Wednesday 7 June 2017

Coatless Cosplay - Beat the Heat

Although adding lots of layers to a costume helps make it visually distinctive it can be downright uncomfortable to wear some of the Doctor's outfits on a hot summer's day. Here I've created a compilation of some of the Doctor's cooler, more summer friendly outfits that can be rolled out when temperatures start to rise. 

For this list I've only included outfits that are distinctive enough in their own right without wearing a jacket or coat, though as you'll see there is a bit of a grey area with that definition. For example, although there are plenty of occasions where Tom's outermost layer is his unfastened waistcoat there's little to mark it out as a story-specific look, though I've included one occasion as an example.

Fourth Doctor - The Deadly Assassin

This voluminous 18th Century style shirt is probably the coolest outfit ever worn on the show, just one layer with plenty of room for air circulation. The downside is that it's a pretty obscure outfit and it might not be terribly recognisable.

Fourth Doctor - Shada/The Five Doctors

Although in the unbroadcast Shada story the Doctor dons his coat and scarf soon after this gondola trip, the reused footage in The Five Doctors only shows Tom in this outfit hence why this makes the list. Plus it's my absolute favourite lightweight look.

Fifth Doctor - Planet of Fire

This embroidered waistcoat made its only appearance in this story, presumably to give Peter a more lightweight alternative to his usual cricket jumper in the hot Lanzarote climate. It's not an easy look to replicate due to the unique fabric, but should great at avoiding overheating.

Sixth Doctor - The Two Doctors

Much like Davison's Planet of Fire look, this waistcoat was only used for the one story when filming in sunny Spain. Realistically the Hawaiian shirt fabric makes this virtually impossible to do replicate accurately but there are plenty of close alternatives to use as donors.

Eleventh Doctor - Journey to the Centre of the Tardis

An unusual look given the return of the trousers and boots from the Christmas special, this is the only occasion where more than just the bow tie and gold accessories have been borrowed from the Snowmen outfit. If you have a Clara to hold hands with then even better.

Twelfth Doctor - Hell Bent

Despite a very short screentime this image is instantly recognisable amongst fans, the coat thrown over the shoulder makes this so identifiable. It also gives one flexibility, allowing a quick change into a Face the Raven/Heaven Sent look.

1 comment:

  1. Planet of Fire is, in my opinion, the 1st recognizable cosplay
